Saturday, June 25, 2016

ants have invade my space

Happy Summer to all. today I wanted to do an outside summer table but there were a few problems with that idea. I don't have aback yard or a beautiful white wicker porch, or a patio or any kind of porch to create this idea of my summer table so we are playing pretend while I do my summer idea themed table in my dining the weather has certainly not been very coopertive here in Seattle.

I see everybody's tables on watermelon themes and have been collecting watermelon pieces at thrift stores for some time now with the hopes of putting this table together.

I love the ants everywhere and can just imagine a picnic or a summer barbecue outside with this happening if left unattended

Watermelons can be carved in such wonderful designs although I am quite creative carving is not my forte .I'd rather just slice it up and serve it.I think it is the best Go to food for any picnic party.
The green of this cake stand goes perfectly with the green of the watermelon rind

At the stadium that I work at we were cutting up yellow watermelons.Have you ever seen these? Beautiful color inside.I never have  seen a yellow watermelon. It was truly unique to me.

I love the sweetness and the juice of watermelon as it runs down your face as you bite into it. What better fruit sings summer than watermelon?

Am I crazy ? I 've got ants running all over my table and my food?I hate ants.

If I had an outside garden or backyard I would plant these watermelon seeds and watch them grow.

 Everybody would take home these mini seed packs like party favors to plant in their own backyards.
Well I hope you all enjoyed my want to be backyard fun with watermelon and the ant invasion I m secretly glad they weren't real.

Well I hope your start to summer is off to a great start.Hmm what am I going to do this summer? I 'll have to give it some great thought. where can I go what can I explore and see? Have a great week love to all of you. join us on the whirlwind of blogs out there you will enjoy it. Ones like Purple Chocalt Home, Cupcakes and Crinoline and Between Naps on the Porch. love Susie


  1. Your table is stunning! First the beautiful color of this scape draws you in then all the wonderful and amazing details. I love all your well thought out touches. Have a great week dear friend.

  2. I remember when you did the red table with ants I commented that I was going to do a similar table hope ours are different enough LOL.thanks Valerie.Love Susie

  3. I remember when you did the red table with ants I commented that I was going to do a similar table hope ours are different enough LOL.thanks Valerie.Love Susie


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