I see everybody's tables on watermelon themes and have been collecting watermelon pieces at thrift stores for some time now with the hopes of putting this table together. |
I love the ants everywhere and can just imagine a picnic or a summer barbecue outside with this happening if left unattended |
The green of this cake stand goes perfectly with the green of the watermelon rind |
At the stadium that I work at we were cutting up yellow watermelons.Have you ever seen these? Beautiful color inside.I never have seen a yellow watermelon. It was truly unique to me. |
I love the sweetness and the juice of watermelon as it runs down your face as you bite into it. What better fruit sings summer than watermelon? |
Am I crazy ? I 've got ants running all over my table and my food?I hate ants. |
If I had an outside garden or backyard I would plant these watermelon seeds and watch them grow. |
Everybody would take home these mini seed packs like party favors to plant in their own backyards.
Well I hope you all enjoyed my want to be backyard fun with watermelon and the ant invasion I m secretly glad they weren't real. |