Monday, October 6, 2014

In Honor of Breast Cancer Ladies

I wanted to do a table for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.This is for all  Ladies out there but mostly for those of us who have suffered through Breast Cancer. Sept !9 marked my 7th year anniversary of battling this horrible disease. 

I suffered two radical mastectomies,chemo, radiation, both physical and Occupational therapies and life changing and body changing metamorphosis.I wouldn't wish this on anyone and firmly support anyone who is going through this.We honor women every October by wearing Pink. Breast Cancer is so much more than a pink ribbon. It is life changing for women and their families going thru it.  

So I wanted to make a table while I reflected back seven years and just what it meant to me.

This little pink pumpkin I purchased on Etsy reminds me of Fall and what I spent that Fall of 2007 doing. 

I would love to have you  join me in a cup a tea and think about someone you know who is, has or already battled this disease. It has touched someone we all know at some point in our lives.

I want to put delicate pink pastries on this special little stand maybe pink petit Fours or mini pink eclairs

I found this beautiful pink ribbon material that would be perfect for napkins and nothing else. they would be pulled out only once a year in this memory 

I matched pink and brown taken from the lovely quilt beneath and the pink and brown cake stand.

The table is set with pink pumpkins this is Fall time

And the silver mercury glass pumpkin symbols how classy everyone  of us are no matter if we are bald or breastless.

This is a quilt that was made for me by a friend's mother .when she found out I had cancer  she commissioned this to be made for me. the beauty of this quilt is there are twelve angels each a different color one for each month. and angel to wrap her wings around me and give me comfort when needed. this quilt was shared in a twenty mile Breast Cancer walk on Mother's Day  with 260 women survivors.

Is this not a work of art?

There is immense sadness in Breast Cancer and what it steals from us. But there is also great beauty like the friendships that are discovered with other women going thru the same thing.

this disease is a killer there is no doubt about it but for those who have been there  

rejoice that you are here and support someone who is just starting on this journey. Give them LOVE strength  and support

Honor their decisions what ever they choose

All of us women are incredibly strong beings with hearts filled with so much love and Joy 

So this October treasure your wife,mother ,sister,daughter,co-worker, ,friend whomever she may be . life might be pretty hard for her right now  and she might just need someone .YOU!!!  to all the Breast Cancer survivors out there I  Honor you.Stay strong Ladies I will be joining Susan  at Between Naps on the Porch. stop by for a visit.Susie


  1. Susie, how much you must have appreciated the beautiful quilt, the angel pattern is lovely. The thought of the angels to wrap their arms around you to give comfort while going through the most trying of times is exquisite. What a loving gift from your friends mother. Your table expresses your feelings about reaching out to those who have or are about to travel this path. Bless you dear lady.

    1. Candy My dear friend may you know someone or be someone with Cancer open your arms to them and give them love and support. No matter what form it takes or what name it carries it effects all of us.This path is a horrible one and I would not wish it upon any woman. but those who are dealing with it I offer prayers of love ,strength and support for you.Susie

  2. I am sorry you have suffered so much. Yes, cancer is so deadly. You must be a strong woman to have endured everything you went through. I admire you. This table is lovely. Your sweet cake plates and quilts are so special. How lovely to have the treasured quilt. I do know about cancer. I have had it three times....ovarian cancer twice and thyroid cancer. Big hugs....From your newest follower, Linda

  3. Linda thank you my sister survivor. I too have suffered cancer more than once when I was 28 I had cervical cancer but when on to have my second son my miracle baby from getting cancer. we suffer so much not just physically but emotionally as well. my hearts and prayers go out to you and your family. stay strong girl there is more to life than me and cancer.Upon my first anniversary I stood on the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland and shouted those same words.Susie


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