Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Slice of lemon

I feel so bad for so many of you who are experiencing the endless winter of 2013-2014. Snow and extreme temperatures and freezing rain.Yuck! Give me the endless sunshine of Southern California

I would get cabin fever so fast if I were living where you are wintered in,without the brightness of the sun to warm things up.We have citrus blooming this time of year and where I live used to be a citrus grove. to bad with the influx of people moving in the trees have either been chopped down or abandoned with the fruit left being unpicked and left to fall on the ground.

I try to pick as much as I can and give to anyone who wants it,lemons oranges and grapefruit.So I thought with nature's abundance I should make a table reflecting the beauty in the colors of these beautiful fruit.I bought the tablecloth at Dollar Tree, and used a towel from there also for the napkins.The plates came from Jo-Ann's about ten years ago

I centered a pretty white pitcher on top of a lemon cake plate added some yellow paper scrap booking twirls a couple of sweet yellow birds and beads(Michael' s 40% coupons ) and this is what I came up with.

I hope this gives all you a taste for spring and warmer times. It is coming!!!!

I love shopping at the local dollar stores for cheap thrifty finds like tablecloths and towels for napkins.

I also lvoe to use cupcake liners for decor put in some glass jars or just loose .They come in so many variety of colors and styles.

I pulled my yellow rose from somewhere else in the house to join here.

I wish I could stop at Trader Joe's and buy fresh flowers on a regular basis but I usually just forget to stop there.

Green chargers and wicker plate chargers from Grandin the Road

I wish you all  relief from winter and the cold and hope my offer of oranges and yellows and greens in citrus helps to get you there.Have a great weekend


  1. Such a lovely refresher in the depths of winter!

    Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

    1. Oh Alma thank you for stopping by. are you tired of this endless winter and ready for spring? We had a balmy weekend in the mid 70's and I spent the day at the beach yesterday delightful.Susie

  2. Wonderful table; love all of your lemony details, especially those plates.

    1. Aren't they cute I purchased them at Jo-annes clearance for $2.00 apiece there were three one of the lime but that one broke and I have never been able to replace it. thanks for stopping by. Spring is coming! Susie


I appreciate your comments and critiques. Thank you so much.