Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lisa's Garden tea

Well a big Hello to all my friends in blog land. I made the move to Seattle and this state is just Gorgeous. I guess I brought the sunshine with me from California because not only is it in the 90's but hasn't rained once since I've been here

The move took me two days and my cat kids cried (poor things) the entire way. I don't have a table in any sense  in my room nor does my roommate so wanted to do something outside and made this table under the giant magnificent weeping willow tree in Honor of my best friend Lisa who has been going thru alot of stuff including the death of her  beloved mother in law yesterday. I set to finding work right away and seeking an apt right away but that might have to wait  a little while.

Excuse the rust on the chairs I tried to clean them up then decided it added to the charm of sitting under this tree.I set up a tea table and the hydrangeas  and lilacs are in full bloom up here.Also so are the peonies, and roses and rhododendrons.We didn't have peony or rhododendrons in California .Wow do they smell wonderful

My stuff has been in storage for seven months and I just got everything out yesterday so it feels good to have my stuff back.

I can't bake here (can't find my baking stuff and besides who wants to bake when its 90 degrees out) so I cheated and got some mini cupcakes to serve

Here is the rest of the yard there are giant gunner bushes that are actually from the dinosaur era they have huge thorns on them and each leaf is almost twelve feet across

such a pretty site like a Garden of Eden there are six feral cats, three raccoons,

and two squirrels that all share this space and everyone gets along great. this yard is so peaceful and tranquil to sit and just enjoy a good Starbucks coffee ( there are over 300 of them in Seattle)

this weeping willow tree is so huge and just stunning to see let alone sit under.

just right for a  hot day

                                                                         So pretty and dainty

the heads are huge like basketballs I think everything in this state is on growth overgrow!.
I have three jobs and one of them will be working at the Seattle Seahawks Stadium. I don't know a thing about football but they say the fans are so loud it is like a sonic boom, sounds like fun to me.

So I think I 'll sit in my garden space and enjoy the beautiful shades of green around me. I thank you for your well wishes,prayers and heartfelt thoughts that you all sent my way.the power of prayer is POWERFUL

 there are patches of sun peeking thru leaving mirror like shadows on my tea cups. please lend a hand to a friend when they are down, please offer a prayer for someone who needs it and always give lots of hugs to anyone who wants or needs one. I volunteered after being here  for three days with the Fremont Arts Festival where I literally helped build (yes construction) and paint floats for the Summer Solstice parade. I joined up the day of the parade as a Seattle Super Hugger( google us on Facebook) it was the greatest fun I ever had. All we did was wear red and hearts and dance and go give hugs to any one in the 80,000 crowd who wanted or needed a Hug.

So I end on this note thank you  again and have a great week. I'll be joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch, Funky Junk Interiors and Lets join the scoop.come follow us you will enjoy.And to Lisa I love you dearly my friend. love Susie

1 comment:

  1. Susie, Seatlles new Table Scappers Queen, I,m so proud of what you have done up there, settleing in and starting a new life.I also will keep your Lisa in my prayers. ROY


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