Hello everybody I have to hope that everyone had
a good or even a great week. I couldn't wait
for Cuisine Kathleen's Bundt cake challenge.
My table has been ready for a week but waited till last
minute to make my bundts
I used cranberry as my table color inspiration and gathered anything cranberry I could find |
Kathleen said it had to be a coffee theme. Here I put some delicate teacups under glass
Instead if using a cake plate this week I used a tray and wrapped it in a rag swag that I use to decorate and lite my hutch with |
I set the table with things I bake with spices like cloves and ginger, a mini rolling pin and a micro-mini muffin pan
my lace napkins with matching napkin rings help to give that rustic country theme I was shooting for.

my baking tools under glass
this as my nordic mini floral bundt pan I use to make petit fours with |
I love things in small and mini size then I don't have to feel guilty about calories I mean come on if something only takes two bites to eat there can be no calories in two bites RIGHT!
I collect cookie cutters mostly mini sizes and grabbed them all together and put them on display. |
I have these mini bundt pans that I use .I have several large ones but these are great size individual portions I can pop in the freezer what is not used and won't get wasted on a huge cake.
My bundt cake that I chose is double chocolate with oreo filling with whipped cream topping and chocolate spirals to top them off.I was going to go with a spice cake but sometimes a girl just have to have her chocolate and nothing else can take it's place

Well here is my my bundt cake challenge hope yours is as fun to make and eat as mine was. Enjoy! Even though Thanksgiving is only two weeks away please stop and take some time for your self. Just stand outside and take a deep Breath of that beautiful Fall air. Fill your senses with all the wonderful sights and smells out there.
Have a great week . Thanks Kathleen for this challenge.I am joining up with Between Naps on the Porch,Cuisine Kathleen,and join me for the scoop Susie,