Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's time for Easter

 Hi  yea Spring is finally here. I have been lost for two weeks my computer crashed with 6 viruses  and my hard-drive had to be rebuilt. I  didn't know what to do without a computer. when did ours lives become so wrapped up in our computers and cell phones?.(I finally joined the 21st century and bought a smart phone and although I am trying to get it working let's say I am on a personal name with all the Verizon employees in trying to figure it out)So because of these set backs I haven't been able to answer emails.any blogs or post any pictures. So Although I am a little late I am going to set these Spring Easter scapes in three different blogs.Here Mr and Mrs. Bunny have stopped by aren't they adorable? I love wreaths and love  looking at all the wreaths through out blog land so I couldn't decide which one to use and decided what the hey how  about a wall of wreaths?
My beautiful silver cake stand filled with Easter eggs.I think this cake stand is so regal and I get to use it for any occasion.

 The little bunnies are out to play

Here is one of my all time favorite milk glass cake stands with a bird cage on top. I think the ruffled edges remind of a spring Easter Hat



The butterflies have landed

 both on the bird cage and on the wreath this one made out of paper doilies.

This wreath is made of paper curls. this is the easiest wreath in the world to make. Just cut or tear scrapbook paper into 1 inch strips wrap around a pencil then hot glue on any wreath form I used grapevine here but Styrofoam, cardboard, even straw can be used. I pick up the papers at Michael's and Jo-Ann's when they are on sale 5 for $1.00 and this allows me to have one for every Holiday there is. 

My hurricane filled with  plastic eggs next to my Ice cream cone cake stand.

This nest has a little bird waiting for her eggs to hatch

Here is an Easter cakestand with little charms hanging inside a feathered boa wreath. I told you  I love wreaths.Sometimes they don't have to hang on the wall at all. well it's late and I'll share more Easter decorating for now I wish you all a great week with lots of sunshine and pretty  flowers to brighten your days.


  1. Lovely colorful Spring and Easter decorations. The paper curl wreath looks like so much fun to make and it looks so cute too.

  2. thanks Candy I love making wreaths they always seem so fun for any occassion.Susie

  3. I love your cute little decorations! They're so fun!!!
    Thanks for sharing on Twirl & Take a Bow!

    - Brooke -

  4. Your Spring and Easter décor is so pretty! I'm really loving that paper curl wreath!! So simple and so pretty!

  5. You have so many Easter decorations. Your cake stands are all so pretty.Colorful eggs, bunnies and butterflies say spring and Easter.
    I hope you have a good week and get straightened out with your computer. I have an Apple computer and viruses are not problems yet.

  6. What pretty decorations you've shared, Susie. I especially love the wreath made from paper curls. I have never seen one and I just love it.

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    I would like to thank you for your sweet comments on my Easter Tablescape. I would love for you to be in my home town and put a Easter Cake together for me. Your Easter and Spring decorations are so pretty ! Your post always put a smile on my face...
    God Bless.
    ~ Diane


I appreciate your comments and critiques. Thank you so much.