Saturday, March 22, 2014

cobalt and white

Hi fellow bloggers I am joining Kathleen @ Cuisine Kathleen in doing a cobalt blue and white tablescape.


 She recently did a table  and asked us to do a bird theme table. It seems I did them in reverse order.

I too love the pops of color the blue brings out. For years I have collected(oh no not another collection?) little pieces of cobalt blue but never doing anything with them together until now. I was at my local IKEA store and they had cobalt blue candles.They have such a variety of candle colors.

Then my idea for a table started coming together. There are only two of us so I don't need to buy six or eight or even four of anything.

So when shopping at thrift stores or antique stores I always look out for two pieces with cobalt on them.

Like pretty bowls and wine goblets. These cute little cake plates I made for a catering event(I had to make 35 little individual mini cupcake stands)

The little bottles came with scented oils in them, the tablecloth was five yards of fabric from Walmart for $.50 clearance a yard.

I love the cobalt dark marbles  like  a girls jewelry accessory.


 Found the blue coffee and  creamer at an antique shop that was closing

these little blue pieces to the left of the bowl have been sitting in a shadow box for years(shop your house first for little add ons)

 IKEA chargers boy are these things versatile

I made distressed candle holders that someone shared in Blog land I forget who but thank you for the tip.

let's light  these candles and have a real dinner.

 Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy this first weekend of Spring.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Just for the birds

sometimes you can't wait to hear the birdsong outside your windows


 Or for the smell of your favorite flower to bloom

Or maybe waiting for the beauty of trees to bud

could it be more birds join the flock and gather around

or we could wait for the dragonflies to make an appearance

birds on high to enhance their serenity

little flowers of burlap are reaching for the sun  as they share the birds space

don't cage me in it's Spring I have to be free

momma bird keeping an eagle eye on the littles in the nest

all birds are works of art with small dashes of color or sparkle and twinkles

they adorn us with their grace and beauty

birds are like pearls they accessorize our homes and lives. hope your life and Spring are filled with the love and joy of birds

Sunday, March 16, 2014

butterflies and dragonflies

Hello everybody I hope that Spring is finally reaching out to you.I know I am tired of winter but can't imagine what it has been like for those of you who have had so much snow and bitter cold temperatures. Today in San Diego at Balboa Park they released hundreds of Monarch butterflies.It was such a beautiful site. I wanted to do a tablescape in honor of Butterflies because to me  they are the inspiration to Spring.

I have this lovely butterfly cake plate that I use for display and thought this would really work well for this idea.

I received this glass bowl from my son for Christmas it is made out of recycled sea glass in a very soft teal color and placed it on another butterfly cake plate.

 I purchased these adorable little plates at an Estate sale they were so Springy and knew they had to come home with me.One has a butterfly the other a dragonfly.
 these bee glasses were a great find at Home Goods,the wicker chargers on sale from Grandin the road.

I made these tiny burlap roses and put them in tiny  little bottles.

 Here is the view from above I think I will serve a lite lunch.
I think I will bake some brownies to put under this dome. Wishing you a welcome Spring may you all get some warmth and flowers soon.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The daffodils have arrived

Hello everybody are you as anxious for spring as I am?I found this adorable teapot at my local Gw thrift store  and joined it with my spring polka dotted cake stand and my charming yellow rose my oldest son gave me many many years ago 

I had this tablescape of something in yellow stuck in my mind for over a month. Living in San Diego  it does seem like we live in the spring all year round ,but we do have  a minor change in our seasons. But when the daffodils arrive even we know spring is either knocking at our doors or Trader Joe's just got their spring delivery in. I love Trader Joe's and these little beauties I snagged up for only 1.29 a bunch (I had two but they got tangled and three bunches jumped into my cart so fast I couldn't shake them free but the other flowers cried to be taken home and I just didn't want to hear that racket so I purchased two more sets of rose bouquets also.Here I layered my plates with a soft buttercream plate from Burlington's for .98 had the square little plates I Had             already, the round yellow pattern ones are from Pier one and a little costly but I went to 5 stores to find the color yellow I wanted. another little dessert plate and a star bowl rounds out the pile. I found yellow flatware from Burlington's how cute is that?add some of my use all beads

I went to IKEA and found yellow candles (YELLOW???) in pillars and tapers just the right size and the scent is buttercups Yumm!!!!!

a little yellow bird came out to sing his song of spring and he sits on my nests I made from burlap strings.The candle holder jars from the thrift store I painted and distressed them.Here are my daffodils center stage .A beautiful yellow rose and raspberry tiered cake stand just waiting for treats to be placed upon them

Here you can see the entire table.I don't buy alot of tablecloths just don't have the room to store nor the money to buy.So I buy fabric when its really really cheap like $1.00 a yard at Walmart and cut and trimmed two napkins in soft yellow gingham fabric. I added this lil rolling pin between the birds maybe waiting to roll out the spring cookies for the rose and raspberry tiered stand. I had these Gerber daisy napkin rings and double up my gingham material with white satin napkin rings at clearance from Home Good(.98)
I found these scroll yellow felt place mats at Anna's Linens clearance for .78 Cool

Add  here are the place settings

Would you believe I purchased these gobblits at my local GW thrift store 99 cents each.

daffodils are springs trumpet shouting I am here!!!

these make me happy do they make you feel happy too?

Flowers are opening up

ahh pretty

let's light the candles for a happy dinner.

And here is another view of the cake stand none of my tables would be complete without one.

a long view down the table

I love the way a simple thought and vision turned out to be so pretty and I didn't really have alot of yellow stuff.

hope your wish for the coming of Spring is as joyful as mine is